Mobile Phone Photographers Participate and Win!
Trey Ratcliff is one incredible photographer. I love his photography and his iPhone app, 100 Cameras in 1 is in my top recommended apps at every speaking engagement on mobile photography. Trey is extremely popular on Google+ and I’d recommend joining in on some of his hangouts online and photo walks if you can get to see him in person.
So here’s the exciting news. I’ve instigated and am coordinating the *groundbreaking* iPhone and Mobile Phone Photography Exhibit (real time and online) for the social media conference, Social Media Camp, in Victoria, B.C.
You know what else is really exciting? Trey has agreed via his very famous Stuck in Customs Travel Photography Blog (published by his company SIC Media, LLC) to some cool Giveaways at Social Media Camp!
To date, all of my speaking engagements on iPhone photography have included Trey’s 100 Cameras in 1 app for iPhone. Conference participants will have a chance to win not only apps, but also eBooks and one HDR Tutorial, all by Trey Ratcliff. I want the HDR Tutorial giveaway myself! .lol. (guess that’s not going to happen 🙂 it’s an awesome prize for some lucky person.
You’ll have a chance to submit your mobile phone photos in order to win these giveaways. I’m seeing this not as a “contest” but as an exhibit, where photos are submitted real time, throughout the two days (details and basic submission guidelines to follow) with the goal being creativity and participation from as many people as possible. Full details will be online in an upcoming blog post right here.
** please note. these are not affiliate links. i have requested app giveaways on my own, for conference attendees, in order to encourage participation in the new mobile phone photo-art show/exhibit. this comes from my desire and belief that better images make for a more beautiful web, and if we have a few techniques and awesome apps to help out, let’s share the wealth of it for all of us to not only improve photography skills but also stretch our creative boundaries as there truly are no limits. my gift to you. i’m not getting paid to do this **
So, onto the giveaways.
Here’s what I will have to give away to some lucky photographers at Social Media Camp. I’ll be set up at Booth 24.
- Photoshop eBook — “10 Essential Photoshop Skills Everyone Should Know (for beginners and just beyond)” by Trey Ratcliff (5 copies)
Here’s a description about the book : “If you’re like most people you probably find Photoshop to be unnecessarily complex to learn and use. This eBook will help you to push past the initial learning curve. You’ll discover the power of Photoshop and begin to enjoy fine-tuning your photos for personal or commercial use. Trey takes the complex and breaks it down into simple, easy to understand, instructions with helpful before and after views at some of his most amazing photos.”
- HDR Tutorial — Total Package with BONUS! (1 copy)
- As per the Stuck in Customs website description, this “Complete HDR Video Tutorial package includes a “Free eBook, 10 Mistakes in HDR Processing eBook, Full access to private Clubhouse forums, Over 130 RAW Working Files, 11+ hours of video instruction across 9 classes”
- 100 Cameras in 1 iPhone app (5 copies)
Here are some of the features of this iPhone app that they describe on the website : “Fast, simple, and light; Designed for speed and ease-of-use; Take unique new photos or re-create existing photos; 100 different effects that use mixes of hardlight, overlay, and more with beautiful textures from around the world; A “new” kind of camera that lacks the confusing complexity of many other hard-to-use apps; Share your photos on email, Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, SmugMug, and DropBox!; Export to Instagram coming as soon as they contact us back!; Gamecenter support. Unlock fun achievements!”
I look forward to seeing you at the conference in Victoria, (I’m speaking on iPhone photography) and a big thank you to Trey Ratcliff and the awesome team at Stuck in Customs!
— Brenda Johima
One example of an image post-processed using the 100 Cameras in 1 iPhone app