Coffee? iPhone Photos

Took these iPhone photos this morning (post-processed in-Phone using top secret iPhone photography apps. Ha. No secret 🙂 while enjoying coffee and some writing at the Zocalo Cafe in Courtenay. Coffee anyone? Copyright 2011 Brenda Johima | Images May Not Be Used In Any Way Without Written Permission Copyright 2011 Brenda Johima | Images May…


As I mentioned yesterday, I’m finally getting my art back online after a long break and an upgrade of my site from HTML to WordPress, and the first piece, Tweedsville, went up yesterday. This piece below is an oldie but a goodie (2003), titled, KISS, and I was extremely thrilled when was featured on the…

Tweedsville : My Made Up Town

Finally getting around to putting some of my acrylic paintings and mixed media art back online, after upgrading to a new WordPress site many months ago. By popular demand (LOL) here is my made up town, Tweedsville 🙂 I have not been actively trying to sell this piece at all, she’s been quite happy at…