The Depth To Which I Can Write …
The. Depth. To. Which. I. Can. Write. Is. Equal. To. The. Depth. To. Which. I. Can. Feel. Deeply. ~brenda johima~
The. Depth. To. Which. I. Can. Write. Is. Equal. To. The. Depth. To. Which. I. Can. Feel. Deeply. ~brenda johima~
We’re all on the same path, going in the same direction, only sometimes we take detours to enjoy the scenery along the way, or fall in a hole and some need time to crawl out. Sometimes we are on parallel paths, walking side by side … maybe even hand in hand … and other times,…
Tell people they matter to you. Tell people they make a difference in your life. Assuming they know isn’t enough. Have courage. Use words. ~brenda johima~
Exclusion. Are you doing it? You will know inside if you are. Who can you include in your circle today. P.S. There is only one circle on this planet. Inclusion. ~brenda johima~
. broken hearts create great art . ~brenda johima~
iPhoneography) Photography Copyright 2012 Brenda Johima
(iPhoneography) Photography Copyright 2012 Brenda Johima
(iPhoneography) Photography Copyright 2012 Brenda Johima
(iPhoneography) Photography Copyright 2012 Brenda Johima