I saw this bicycle parked outside of Opus in Victoria, had to snap a photo with my iPhone : Photo Copyright 2012 Brenda Johima
I saw this bicycle parked outside of Opus in Victoria, had to snap a photo with my iPhone : Photo Copyright 2012 Brenda Johima
OMG. I am selling more of my “Wonky Mountain” series paintings. It’s time to let the few remaining, go bye-bye. My “Tweedsville” painting was so popular, and the lucky buyer, a teacher from the Comox Valley, is thrilled with her purchase. Please contact me via my website if this other Wonky Mountains painting below (untitled…
This “Rainy Day Highway” photograph was captured while driving at full speed on the highway (as a passenger) Image capture and post-processed using only an iPhone 4s Photo Copyright 2012 Brenda Johima
The. Depth. To. Which. I. Can. Write. Is. Equal. To. The. Depth. To. Which. I. Can. Feel. Deeply. ~brenda johima~
We’re all on the same path, going in the same direction, only sometimes we take detours to enjoy the scenery along the way, or fall in a hole and some need time to crawl out. Sometimes we are on parallel paths, walking side by side … maybe even hand in hand … and other times,…
Tell people they matter to you. Tell people they make a difference in your life. Assuming they know isn’t enough. Have courage. Use words. ~brenda johima~
Exclusion. Are you doing it? You will know inside if you are. Who can you include in your circle today. P.S. There is only one circle on this planet. Inclusion. ~brenda johima~
. broken hearts create great art . ~brenda johima~