Behind closed doors
Behind closed doors Love hurts And heals Hearts break Open Even More To Open To an even greater love —Brenda Johima
Behind closed doors Love hurts And heals Hearts break Open Even More To Open To an even greater love —Brenda Johima
Seems the poetry is flowing So I’m going With it. —Brenda Johima
I prefer to live in the living. Not surviving. Not trying. But Being. All that I can be. Death is in the far far distance. But. Survivor does not call my name. Life calls louder. Life yells loudly. “Come here Brenda! Let’s play!” —Brenda Johima
“I believe in happy endings. If you’re not happy, that just means it’s not the ending.” — Walt Disney Imagineer, Alice Davis
Good morning! I’ve had a few Twitter conversations regarding this topic so I thought I’d share my opinion on the word breast cancer “survivor” which people keep telling me that I will be, in time. I’m focused on thankfulness, gratitude and looking for everything and everybody that I can be grateful for. I’m telling people…