use your intuition. ask before you need it. predict
Use your intuition. Ask the Universe for what you need, before you need it. Predict. Ask ahead. She listens. — brenda johima
Use your intuition. Ask the Universe for what you need, before you need it. Predict. Ask ahead. She listens. — brenda johima
Good morning. Here’s an update on upcoming breast cancer follow-up stuff: In just over a couple of weeks, April 30th, I will be back at the BC Cancer Agency in Victoria for a follow up with my medical oncologist. I am hoping that she gives me good news and so I don’t have to go…
OOOOPS. After just posting, saying I would accept only LIGHT energy today, I just posted a tiny rant on Facebook about Fiverr, logo designs which I oppose, for 5 BUCKS. Ooooops. Human beings are funny. Including me. Oh how quickly we can change, with the blink of an eye. 🙂 Love, Brenda p.s. PAY appropriate rates…
LIGHT energy. Today, I crave lightness in everything I do and experience. That light and airy feeling. That. I accept no less, today. Love, Brenda
From March 22nd to October 6th 2015 (dates chosen intuitively by a friend) … there is a new fundraiser live online, called Help Brenda Build a Life Without Cancer. Can you please help spread the word? I would be so grateful. I am thankful to my friend Philippa for pulling it all together and posting it…
“I may look like debris, but I’m a masterpiece. My next heart beat deserves a press release”. – Shane Koyczan
One toxic energy. One toxic dysfunctional. Phone conversation. Robs Sleep. – brenda johima
Teddy will be OK. I’m back at the home I am staying at after a rush visit to a veterinarian‘s office in Vernon, B.C. (I am on the road, staying at a friends, while in transition) The good news is, I started crying in the lobby at the vet’s after they treated Teddy because they said…
Here’s a quick photo of Teddy today, on our little jaunt around the property here where I am staying in the Okanagan for a couple+ weeks while in transition. He’s TWO years old after yesterday and we’ve rarely been apart except for during my medical/cancer treatments. I feel so fortunate to have been able to…