OOOOPS. After just posting, saying I would accept only LIGHT energy today, I just posted a tiny rant on Facebook about Fiverr, logo designs which I oppose, for 5 BUCKS. Ooooops. Human beings are funny. Including me. Oh how quickly we can change, with the blink of an eye. 🙂 Love, Brenda p.s. PAY appropriate rates…

Teddy the Adorable Standard Poodle

Teddy Will Be OK

Teddy will be OK. I’m back at the home I am staying at after a rush visit to a veterinarian‘s office in Vernon, B.C. (I am on the road, staying at a friends, while in transition) The good news is, I started crying in the lobby at the vet’s after they treated Teddy because they said…

Teddy at 2-Years Old

Here’s a quick photo of Teddy today, on our little jaunt around the property here where I am staying in the Okanagan for a couple+ weeks while in transition. He’s TWO years old after yesterday and we’ve rarely been apart except for during my medical/cancer treatments. I feel so fortunate to have been able to…