If I Had One Regret

If I had one regret, it would be having listened to other people instead of myself, to my own intuition, and to my own gut. Other people don’t know you, and they may be wrong, and they may not be able to see what you can see in the future, and they may not feel…

Rebounder Rebound My Life

I attended the Outward Bound Women of Courage program in the mid-1990’s and it was a wonderful opportunity and I highly recommend women apply for this program as it’s still in operation. Truly amazing. I chose the snow option back then, which meant I was hiking and backpacking in snow, in the Pemberton area. And…

Blogging Daily

So how is it going, blogging every day? (she laughs to herself) It is going exactly as I expected. Committing to writing, blogging, composing, crafting and publishing a blog post a day isn’t easy and I did not succeed. I applaud full-time bloggers who write for a living and create original content each and every…