
I’m sitting in my car in the dark under a street lamp in a shopping centre parking lot. This is my last stop before I finally get to head home and relax, after driving too many hundreds of kilometres up-Island and then down and back up, on Vancouver Island. Here’s a little hint about what…

standard poodle looking out of french door windows on a rainy day

I Disappoint People Every Day

Disappointing People and Disappointing People Many many years ago (maybe about 24 years?) when I was going through some challenging times, I was chatting with someone that I really admired, and she told me, “Brenda, I disappoint people every day.” Of course, I was kind of shocked, as I saw this person as a leader, and one of the…

Vancouver Island RAIN

‘tis the season. The beauty of Vancouver Island is a daily “ahhhhh” no matter where you go, no matter the time of year. It truly is a visual paradise. Fall brings rain. And more rain. And usually, more rain. What a perfect way to celebrate my love of the abstract, in art and photography.  

Fall Colors

Fall brings a color palette rich with life; orange and red and yellow along with a multitude of varied greens, which are a welcomed sight on Vancouver Island in the fall, which can be overwhelmed by gray gray gray.