Are The Trees Far Wiser?
While walking in the woods I could not help but wonder, are the trees far wiser than we? Always Love, Brenda
While walking in the woods I could not help but wonder, are the trees far wiser than we? Always Love, Brenda
Today while walking through the woods, I met a little boy with his nanny. He was different … and as some might judge, disabled. Yet I did not see him in that way because he had the ability to deeply connect with eye contact with myself and with my standard poodle Teddy; more so…
i may just be up to something new. a learning curve is a good thing. being a beginner is a good thing. not caring what others think about you when you are starting out is crucial. catching up on lost time is near impossible. regret gets you nowhere. starting over gets you everywhere. always…
I’m sitting in my car in the dark under a street lamp in a shopping centre parking lot. This is my last stop before I finally get to head home and relax, after driving too many hundreds of kilometres up-Island and then down and back up, on Vancouver Island. Here’s a little hint about what…
The Daily Blog In listening to two of my favourite people online, at the 44:40 point in this Chase Jarvis video interview with Seth Godin, you will hear Seth say, “I strongly urge people to have a blog; a daily blog.” I watched this video a few times, when it was published in 2016,…
In My Dreams Fact. 8 AM’ish and this JUST happened. Too funny. I just had a dream that Jann Arden came into my basement suite. (I don’t live in one) She was talking in the phone about booking a trip to Nashville to someone in the room next door. The room was attached to my suite…
Disappointing People and Disappointing People Many many years ago (maybe about 24 years?) when I was going through some challenging times, I was chatting with someone that I really admired, and she told me, “Brenda, I disappoint people every day.” Of course, I was kind of shocked, as I saw this person as a leader, and one of the…
I pulled this out of the drafts folder from long long ago, it’s maybe years ago that wrote it? It was time to click publish: OK. So you go 2 a party. You sit there. You wait. Maybe even stand against a wall, or look out the window, or drink wine or eat cheese and…
‘tis the season. The beauty of Vancouver Island is a daily “ahhhhh” no matter where you go, no matter the time of year. It truly is a visual paradise. Fall brings rain. And more rain. And usually, more rain. What a perfect way to celebrate my love of the abstract, in art and photography.
Fall brings a color palette rich with life; orange and red and yellow along with a multitude of varied greens, which are a welcomed sight on Vancouver Island in the fall, which can be overwhelmed by gray gray gray.