The 3rd Comox Valley TweetUp! … is here. We’re on a roll now in the Comox Valley with Social Media and Twitter, so let’s keep things rolling, moving forward, connecting people online, offline.
The 1st Comox Valley TweetUp was such a success with 30 people showing up, that a second one was booked, the 2nd Comox Valley TweetUp! … and now we’re onto the final TweetUp of 2010 🙂
Are you still resisting Social Media? It’s getting harder to resist Social Media now, isn’t it?
Mark your calendars for Friday, December 17th, and this time, we will be Tweeting For Food! December is a time when individuals and families all have a greater need for food, so this is a Social Media TweetUp With A Cause! We will use the power of Twitter and Social Media and Tweet for Food to help others in need.
As always, a TweetUp! is FREE of charge.
***ALL PROCEEDS and DONATIONS of FOOD for the December 17th TweetUp! will be DONATED to the LOCAL COMOX VALLEY FOOD BANK.***
The date is Friday, December 17th, from 2:30 -4 p.m. (Location is Confirmed: The Comox Valley ART Gallery. YAY!)
TweetUp With A Cause! You can start signing up already for the 3rd Comox Valley TweetUp! Right Here.
**And We have a special guest for this event, Paul Holmes, one of the organizers of the recent and very popular Social Media Camp in Victoria. Paul is a leader on Vancouver Island in the field of Social  Media and Engagement, and will be at our event! Stay Tuned!**
Please join me at the 3rd Comox Valley TweetUp! Connect, Communicate, Build Relationships.
Ooops, Wondering, What Is A TweetUp?
Put simply, a TweetUp is an event where people who have met on Twitter, or who are communicating on Twitter, meet face to face in person. An informal event, for people who want to take online communications, offline, engaging while building relationships.
The goal of most TweetUps? Community Engagement 🙂
If you’re on Twitter, we’ll be using the same Hashtag as for the 1st Comox Valley TweetUp! #TweetUpCV
~ Brenda Johima ~
** P.S. P.S. There are also LOTS of DOGS and PETS in need in December as well. Feel Free to Make Your Personal Cause for this Event, FOOD for Dogs, FOOD for Pets 🙂
And, as with the 2nd Comox Valley TweetUp! there may be a (paid) Twitter Workshop For Business (optional), for business owners who want to learn the basics of how to use Twitter for business, right before the TweetUp! This will be posted on a separate page on this blog if it happens.
Thank You to the Comox Valley ART Gallery for being the host location for this event, and here’s what will be happening during the TweetUp! at CVAG: STORIES FROM A FLICKERING PLAIN: Photography and drawing by Heather Passmore (Vancouver BC) and mixed media by Janet Wang (Vancouver BC) This Show runs from November 12 – December 31, 2010
Heather Passmore and Janet Wang both use the photograph as a starting point for explorations in erosion, memory, technology, biography, accidents and “personal mistakes”. Passmore presents a series of “disappearing drawings” created by enlarging prints from her personal archive of half-exposed negatives to which drawings had been added.
Wang presents paintings and drawings culled from the social networking site Facebook, re-negotiated as small-scale enlargements. To these she has added embroidered captions taken from Facebook and Twitter.
Passmore has an MFA from UBC and has exhibited in solo exhibitions across Canada, including at the Vancouver Art Gallery. She has published critical essays and reviews and won many prizes and scholarships including being a VADA Award recipient.
Wang has an MFA from Leeds University UK and has shown in Toronto, San Francisco, Seattle, Glasgow and Vancouver.
For more information on this exhibit:
Comox Valley ART Gallery on Facebook:!/event.php?eid=119113804815658