Today was a special day, SUNNY, warm, gorgeous, and the sunset in my neigbourhood on Vancouver Island, was stunning. So, I am posting TWO images tonight for my 50 photos 50 years iPhone project. (These two are counting as image number 11, day 11)
~ Brenda Johima ~
Copyright 2011 Brenda Johima | Images May Not Be Used In Any Way Without Written Permission
Copyright 2011 Brenda Johima | Images May Not Be Used In Any Way Without Written Permission
P.S. Some have asked me about these images, they can’t believe they were captured with an iPhone 3G, so here you go : These two images, the two which are “Number 11” in my 50 photos 50 years series, were, in the final stage just prior to posting, put into Photoshop ONLY for noise reduction.
Otherwise, ALL of my images are captured AND post-processed ONLY using an iPhone 3G, unless I say so otherwise. The reason for having to use Photoshop for noise reduction on these two images only, is that often the iPhone 3G does not perform well in low light or evening situations, and the pixelization and noise is far too high for my artistic likings, and my goal with iPhone photography, is to not only use it as a powerful marketing and advertising tool, but more importantly, to create ART.
I will always tell you if Photoshop was used, otherwise, I’m a purist, iPhoneographer, using only the camera as my tool of choice. The color you see in these images came directly from the original photograph, plus via the addition of multiple iPhone applications used, so the ART, is pure. Only final noise reduction was done in Photoshop.
P.S. P.S. There ARE iPhone apps which CAN reduce noise in your iPhone images, however, I have found their performance sub-standard.