The 1st Comox Valley TweetUp! was such a success with 30 people showing up, that a second one is already booked, the 2nd Comox Valley TweetUp!
Mark your calendars for Monday, November 22nd, and this time, it will be a mid-day lunch meeting with Caribbean Appies! from 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. (**BONUS** We will have a speaker who will speak for exactly 10 minutes on the topic of Twitter in Social Media)
The TweetUp! is FREE of charge of course … Sign Up Right Here
(You MUST Register in advance for this event even though it is FREE so that we have the numbers for the FOOD)
Top Secret! (not) I’ve got the food provider organized and the location set, but just need to confirm a few minor details with a few tweaks, and we’ll be ready to go!
OK, there’s no secret anymore! We ARE ready to go! Our generous Hosts are the Carnival Caribbean Cabana in Courtenay! Thanks to Ronnice and Wain in advance, for generously providing free appetizers for participants!
Sign Up for the 2nd Comox Valley TweetUp! Right Here (space is limited for this event and you MUST register in order to attend … For other TweetUps you can usually just show up even if you didn’t register, but for this one, we need numbers for the food. Thanks!)
Please do join me at the 2nd Comox Valley TweetUp! Connect, Communicate, Build Relationships.
Ooops, Wondering, What Is A TweetUp?
Put simply, a TweetUp is an event where people who have met on Twitter, or who are communicating on Twitter, meet face to face in person. An informal event, for people who want to take online communications, offline, engaging while building relationships.
The goal of most TweetUps? Community Engagement 🙂
If you’re on Twitter, we’ll be using the same Hashtag as for the 1st Comox Valley TweetUp! #TweetUpCV
** You are encouraged to bring your digital camera, cell phone, smart phone or video camera to this event. In addition to chatting informally, for FUN, we will be Tweeting What We Eat! Photograph some Caribbean Appies for FUN and we’ll post them to a special Social Media page for sharing this event. (*Don’t have a camera? Don’t worry. Please still show up! It’s not a requirement for you to enjoy this event with us) **
(And Oh Yes, don’t forget to follow me 🙂 I’m @brendajohima on Twitter 🙂
~ Brenda Johima ~
WHY come to a TweetUp! ?
1. Take Online Relationships Offline in a Face-To-Face FUN Interaction (tiny Twitter avatar meets the life-size human being)
2. Build stronger communities, both online and offline, with people and business owners with common interests
3. It’s NOT your typical networking meeting which is uncomfortable, full of pressure and expectations
4. MEET People
5. TALK to People
6. ENGAGE with People
7. INTERACT with People
8. CARE about People
9. FIND out about People
10. BUILD relationships with People
11. Have people find out about your business, your work, what you do, without having to “sell” at all
12. I could list about 20 more reasons, but please join us, and find out, the Power of Comox Valley TweetUps!
~ Brenda Johima ~ SEE YOU THERE!
P.S. (paid) Twitter For Business Social Media Workshop (optional and separate) will be available soon! … for business owners who want to learn the basics of how to use Twitter for business. This will be posted on a Separate Workshop Page on my Blog 🙂
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