Maybe I need to reconsider acceptance, which I wrote about yesterday and as soon as I wrote the words, I knew my brain may be tricking me. As soon as I clicked publish, I knew that my brain may be playing tricks on me.
Accepting the things from our past that we can’t change, like a health diagnosis for example, may not be easy, but may be necessary. Maybe.
I thought about deleting my post from yesterday but instead, it’s better to keep learning instead and to keep on moving forward.
Make any sense?
Here’s what I mean, as Mel Robbins speaks about acceptance and Hal Elrod and his “5 Minute Rule” and his thoughts on “accept all things you can’t change” and his tool that he uses when “you can’t change it.”
Have a listen:
Always Love,
P.S. I am still thinking on this one! There are miracles, we can create anything we want in life in theory, and then there is acceptance of what is; and that, can take some time to sort through. What is possible as a miracle? And when must we accept things exactly as they are? Can they work hand in hand? Or is it either-or? What do you believe?