OOOOPS. After just posting, saying I would accept only LIGHT energy today, I just posted a tiny rant on Facebook about Fiverr, logo designs which I oppose, for 5 BUCKS. Ooooops. Human beings are funny. Including me. Oh how quickly we can change, with the blink of an eye. 🙂 Love, Brenda p.s. PAY appropriate rates…

Journal or Blog?

The one thing that I am consistent with, is being inconsistent here on this blog, this journal. Can I just please call this a journal? I am asking myself permission? The word blog just isn’t resonating with me for this website, so there we have it, this will be my journal from here on forward. Who…

window shopping in Venice Italy

HAPPY New Year 2013!

HAPPY New Year! 2013 for me, feels like it’s filled with promise and optimism, moving forward and going for it! How about for you? 2012 was tough for a lot of people, myself included, and there’s something magical about beginning with a blank canvas, a brand new year to start all over again. I’ve not…