Silence is More Powerful than Noise Online

“Silence is more powerful than noise online.” — Brenda Johima This could simply read “silence is more powerful than noise.” Period. Online, this means, only post, write, Tweet, Facebook, blog when you feel, when you want, when you have value to add, and something that has emotional impact and/or an opportunity for learning. Having said…

If I Had A Cape cartoon by Brenda Johima

If I Had A Cape

If I Had A Cape … I might fly like the wind, I might grab my cape and fly through blue skies filled with white puffy cotton ball clouds, gargantugiantus (made up word) clouds that are soft and comforting, embracing me into a lovely nap of creativity, then POOF! I wake up and say ……

BC Arts and Culture Budget is Frozen (iPhone photo)

B.C. Falls Behind In Arts and Culture

A budget frozen in B.C. for the next 3 years in arts and culture makes no sense … since everything that we consume, purchase, market, sell and buy has had either an artist, designer, photographer, musician, singer, videographer, writer, actor or other creative professional involved … in order to create it, market or sell it.…

iPhone Art by Brenda Johima

It’s All About LOVE

It’s All About LOVE … Today and Every Day of the Year. Love. Spread it. Share it. Give it away. — brenda johima Images Copyright 2012 Brenda Johima Images Copyright 2012 Brenda Johima Images Copyright 2012 Brenda Johima   Images Copyright 2012 Brenda Johima

We Are All On The Same Path

We’re all on the same path, going in the same direction, only sometimes we take detours to enjoy the scenery along the way, or fall in a hole and some need time to crawl out. Sometimes we are on parallel paths, walking side by side … maybe even hand in hand … and other times,…