50 Photos 50 Years : Number 34
Number 34 of my 50 Photos 50 Years iPhone image project : The Tide Came In. Copyright 2011 Brenda Johima | Images May Not Be Used In Any Way Without Written Permission
Number 34 of my 50 Photos 50 Years iPhone image project : The Tide Came In. Copyright 2011 Brenda Johima | Images May Not Be Used In Any Way Without Written Permission
Conformity is the shortest route to a boring life. ~ Brenda Johima ~ Conformity, “behavior in accordance with socially accepted conventions or standards” might help you be more popular (than I) and in the past it might have been the best way to climb up to the top of the ladder in business. However, conformity,…
Never underestimate the love and power of a dog. The bond goes deep, the grief goes deeper, after 13 years. I have been preparing myself for some time now, as I have known, that one day in 2010, my dog Toby the GirlDog as I call her, will leave. It will be her time. I…