Bullying happens to adults too. It’s happened to me. More than once.
There’s something called “exclusion bullying” where you’re deliberately excluding someone from participating in groups, in the workplace, in causes, in things they believe in and want to be a part of. It’s happened to me, more than once.
It breaks your heart. It’s confusing. The grief is not different than when a relationship ends, or when you suffer the loss of a loved one. Yes, it’s that deep.
Being left out of things on purpose. Hurts. Don’t do it to anyone. Don’t be a part of a group that would do this to anyone. Don’t be a part of anything that excludes one person on purpose.
Something happens in the pain centre of the brain when you’re deliberately excluded. It feels like a physical injury. If you’ve been part of exclusion bullying as part of a group of peers or colleagues, make amends. Apologize. It will help. If you somehow took part in excluding someone, you would have known, because if you’re sensitive you would have felt it. It would have bothered you at some level.
They say that exclusion bullying is as powerful as bullying. As a recipient, I’d have to agree. We’re all in this together here on this planet. My heart is still broken. One day it may heal.
Have courage. End Exclusion. Focus on Inclusion.
Who can you include in your circle today?
— Brenda Johima