By using two of the most powerful words, “I AM” … it is one way to help free the self from ALL limiting thoughts. Put what you are or what you want to be, right behind those two words, and repeat it out loud, over and over. I start my day with this and also have it playing in the background when I am doing tasks around the house and even in my car while I am driving, if on a really challenging day.
This I AM audio has been getting me through difficult times since August, when a beautiful friend pointed me to these I AM affirmations on YouTube, by YouAreCreators.org
If you are right there with me, seeing this as a helpful tool, enjoy! I hope it helps as it has helped, and is helping me.
However, maybe you have had it with affirmations and metaphysics and “positive thinking?”
I hear you, if you are feeling discouraged and done with affirmations, and have had it with positive thinking affirmations. Ignore, and wait for my next blog post instead 🙂
I started on the metaphysical path in the 1980’s with Louise Hay’s book, You Can Heal Your Life. I feel fortunate that I got to see her in person when I lived in Vancouver. I used the the books, audio (cassette tapes back then) tools of metaphysics and hung out with the people for many years.
Then life fell off track (for longer than I wish to admit) and I became disgruntled with the multimillion dollar metaphysical industry.
Long story short, I have come back, full circle, using the tools again, but this time, alongside some other modern tools and teachings, not having this (affirmations) be the only way to heal and to change a life. It is simply one tool in a huge bag of helpful techniques.
I have listened to this I AM audio over and over again, and except for a few sentences and words that I may not agree with (ignore them), I cannot see anything harmful in using this, and only helpfulness. I hope it is of help to you also. If nothing else, it can be used as a distraction from a busy mind and to place focus elsewhere, off of personal problems. It can’t hurt!
Truly, it is currently one of my favourites.
Always Love,