“If there isn’t credit, don’t spread it.”
— Brenda Johima
You wouldn’t think twice about walking into a retail store and stealing whatever you want and then saying that you created it? (unless you are a criminal or want to be one)
You wouldn’t think of walking into an art gallery and taking a piece of art off the wall, walking out the door and then proudly displaying it as your own, would you? (please say no)
I’m passionate about the arts, an advocate for artists, and the topic of intellectual copyright is about to get a lot HOTTER than it already is right now, and it is pretty HOT right now.
(p.s. When I say “arts” I mean art, photography, design, cartoons, images, graphics, writing, poetry, paintings, and any of the creative and expressive arts that we now use as marketing and sales tools online.)
What if you want an image that you see online?
- Play safe. Ask permission. Get permission in writing. Pay for it. Feed an artist. Pay a Pro.
- Read the T.O.S. (terms of service) as you may be able to use it, with some stipulations
- Read and educate yourself on copyright law and creative commons and image licensing
- On social networks, it’s simple. Before you click that “share” or “pin it” button, see if there is credit attached to the original content creator (artist/photographer) … if there isn’t and it’s still OK to share it and you want to … simply add it in. Re-pin and add credit, the full first and last name of the artist, and ideally, a link to their website. This is good karma, and keeps artists and photographers in business.
- What if you don’t know who made it? Look it up. Find out. Be a research-aholic (like I am) … Google can be your friend to find out who the original creator of an image is. Or, ask on social networks. Ask a question in the comment threads, “who is the artist?” … or “who is the photographer?” … this enables you to add it into your post, and also wakes others up to be accountable in their image sharing as well.
Artists, Photographers, and Designers make for a more beautiful web. Can you imagine the internet filled with only text copy? (like it was in the olden days) … booooorrrinnngg.
Conscious and purposeful sharing of images online on social networks with credit to the original source gives credit where credit is due, and also is a reflection of you as a business owner. Make it a good one. Set an example for others. Do the right thing.
— Brenda Johima
JOHIMA Social Media + Marketing