As a woman learning to tell stories with a camera, I look to inspiration from other female professional photographers working in the field, in an often male dominated photography industry.
I am regularly inspired by Cristina Mittermeier, a “Mexican photographer who grew up alongside indigenous Mexican tribes.” She is also founder and president of SeaLegacy, a non-profit working to save our oceans. Also, Ami Vitale, who is“an American photojournalist and National Geographic Photographer” and she recently joined Ripple Effects Images, who “identify top aid groups that empower women and children and assign world-class photographers to document their programs.”
I can highly recommend listening to this interview by Kim Chakanetsa called Women Behind the Lens on the BBC World Service podcast, The Conversation. It’s only 27 minutes long and you can learn how these two women work tirelessly to help educate us all via photography about climate change and more.
P.S. You can also find this on iTunes right here :
Women Behind the Lens on BBC World Service, The Conversation.