I try to visit a pond daily, especially this time of year. Lots more bird photos will be coming up over the next month or two with Spring on the way. I’ve only started seriously learning about photographing birds over the last few months and I am thoroughly enjoying the peace, serenity and beauty of it all. And of course I LOVE to be outdoors!
This male Mallard (Edit: I stand corrected by my friend Scott on Instagram; apparently what most of us call a male mallard or duck is actually called a drake) watches me as he comes up the bank from the pond. I hold my breath, stay still, and he trusts me for a moment, we connect, and on he goes.
I love the peace that photography brings me and how I feel my brain is being healed, my heart is opened a little more, each time one of these wildlife connections in nature happens.
There’s a palpable energy exchange between duck and human, a dance of boundaries; if too close, you lose their trust, they leave, swim or fly away. Yet when being close at “just the right amount” … we get this … I see you, you see me, I trust you, I guess I’ll stick around.