I have let go of so much, and of so many people, places and things, and with more letting go on the horizon.
I’m getting used to letting go as a way of life. (for now) … and it’s beginning to feel like I am building a new life in my mind at least, bit by bit.
I’ve wiped the slate clean in friendships (offline 😉 … and it feels good.
Friends who no longer fit, I’ve silently (for the most part) said good-bye to, in some way. This is good.
I let them go with no major kaffuffle or upsets (except for in 2 cases) and I’m finally taking care of me after major changes in who I am, and in my life.
It’s a lonely path at times, but I trust all will be well in time, with all the new friends I will need, and more.
Letting go, in every area of life, as a way of life, is a path to peace I am discovering.
In my case, I’ve come to know that one must have the courage to let go of everything and everyone, to reach my ultimate goal … a brand new Brenda, with a brand new life.
I have been through something similar in past in my life, where I wiped the slate clean.
Long long ago, on my spiritual path, a dear friend back then said to me as encouragement, “It’s lonely at the top. Others will follow, in time.”Â
It was lonely. And she was right. As I changed and evolved over time, ventually I gained new friends who were a good fit.
I realize that some people have friends who have spent a lifetime together. Best friends and long term friends.
This hasn’t been my case. My life has been a life of courageously starting over, over and over again.
It has not been an easy path. But it has been the right path for me.