First appointment completed.
Met with my medical social worker at the BC Cancer Agency in Victoria, for follow up and I actually had fun. Yeah, fun.
I think that it’s the first time I laughed in an appointment instead of constantly crying and crying.
We had a great chat and she thinks I am doing awesome and that I have been very resourceful considering all the challenges I’ve been facing all at once.
She was realistic in saying likely I will have a hard year a head of me. I agree.
It may not be. It might be fantastic.
But I tend to think things will be great and then I am devastated when they are not, so I think I am learning to be more realistic.
I need to build an entire new life from scratch so a year may be reasonable.
The hardest challenge next, is to find a place to live so I can have some stability and really heal and move forward.
She said she was proud of me.
Those words, “I’m proud of you,” I realize, are powerful words, that people need to hear. At least I do. I’ll begin to tell people this more often also in future.
She applauded me, and although life has been filled with hard and tough roads, she said I seemed happier and that I’ll “land on my feet” with time.
She lifted my spirits, we laughed together, feelings of loneliness were shifted.
It was a good session. So far, a great day.
Next up, medical oncology.