Finished up with my medical oncologist appointment at the BC Cancer Agency Vancouver Island Centre. (Victoria)
Last time I had an appointment I was devastated with the news of having to come back in 2 months as you may remember.
Well, they still aren’t taking any chances with me. This time, I accepted it immediately.
Apparently I’m not quite ready to be released for 6-12 month follow ups.
I must come back in 2 months again.
And, they are referring me for testing (just to make sure) for the breast cancer gene which wasn’t done before. BRCA1 & BRCA2 Genetic Testing has been ordered. Better to be thorough. I accepted the oncologist’s recommendation to do so. Waiting for an appointment booking now. I think that you see a genetic counsellor first.
This testing is recommended in part, due to family history, with a family members 2X breast cancer, and now bone cancer.
I’m heading to the hotel, Accent Inns and am looking forward to putting my feet up!
At this moment I feel “OK” about the news. My emotions may shift later, but basically I’m thankful they are being cautious and thorough without instilling fear.
Although this is not the news I wanted to hear, I do feel blessed with superb medical care.