Some of my best photographs have been taken while driving down the road towards a destination, seeing something interesting out in a field, and then pulling over to the side of the road, grabbing the camera, hopping out of the car, and then having a really great travel experience moment. It’s the moments that matter.
I LOVE the spontaneity of vacations and travel photography, and some of the best vacation photographs are taken not once you arrive at the destination, but on the journey. Just like life?
And about this image? Well, horses are curious. That is one of the things I love about them. I always have my camera super ready, whenever I see horses before I even get out of my car, because 99% of the time, if they think you have good energy (and they do psychically know) then they will come over to the fence and see you.
Some of the best shots happen while the horses are coming from far away in the field, over to see me. That is when I shoot on high speed continuous and/or TV mode as they are coming towards me. This image was taken in the Interior of British Columbia. Love the birds in the image as well!
– Brenda Johima –