Today, just give it away. (no, I don’t mean a FaceBook contest or Twitter contest for your product or services). Your kindness, your love, helpfulness, compassion, caring, listening, noticing and then reaching out and lending a hand … just give it away today.
People need it.
Business is about people first. Social Media is about people first. Human beings are not dollar signs, and none of us want to be seen as one, treated as one. Your success in social media first, will come from your desire and ability to build relationships, and then … to nurture them.
Today, just give it away. Care about others first. Be curious about others first. You know that love you can see in the eyes of a dog? That beautiful warm love and loyalty and awe, that they have for you, and for other human beings? You know, we’ve all seen that look. Pure love. They adore you, us.
Do that. Do that.
You don’t have to be all mushy with your words in business if you don’t want to (although these days, that’s not a bad thing at all either) … people can feel your energy, your thoughts, your moods. Simply express through your intention. People will notice. They will feel it.
Today, just give it away, who you really are. We are not separate from our business.
Social media has given us one of the most powerful tools ever, when used for good, to make a difference in the lives of others, yes, through your business. Use it.
Today on FaceBook and Twitter, just give it away. Your kindness, your love, helpfulness, compassion, caring, listening, noticing and then reaching out and lending a hand … just give it away today.
~ Social Media Tips by Brenda Johima ~