Twitter #TIP : Before you unfollow someone because they have not followed you back, send them an @ reply, say HI and strike up a conversation. 90% of the time they follow back.
(Twitter can be frustrating and confusing for those starting out and new to Twitter, or even for “old-timers” who expect a follow-back) Remember this :
- It takes time to build a following, and that’s OK. That’s no different than life. Usually we grow our business and friendships one person at a time, and once in awhile we are lucky enough to get a quick build of a group of people all at once.
- When you follow people on Twitter with a large following, they just might have been too busy to get to check their new followers and to follow you back.
- They might want more time to check you out, your profile, your website, your Tweets and see if they are of value to them to read and then to build a relationship with you.
- They might already be checking you out by following you on a private list to decide if they are going to follow you back.
- They may never follow you back, but may simply follow your Tweets on a list instead. That’s OK too. It’s your job to reach out and connect with whoever you want to talk to. Again, just like life. It’s all in your hands, it’s your responsibility.
So the moral of the story is … if you like someone, and find them interesting, follow them anyway. Otherwise you lose out on learning with the expectation that they return the favor immediately. They may, later. They may not, ever.
Bottom line, it’s about you following people that you like, love, learn from, and like what they have to say, or what they believe in.
Have FUN! I’m @brendajohima and @johima on Twitter … Do Say HI. I would love to connect with you there.
— brenda johima
JOHIMA Social Media + Marketing