We all go through rough patches in life. Sometimes those rough patches can last for a long time. We do the best we can to change, to get out of it and onto a new track, always chasing the light.
And yet sometimes, there are people, places and things in our lives, careers or situations, where it just never gets better no matter what you do, no matter how hard you try … nothing shifts … or worse, things head in reverse and go downhill.
Knowing when to let go and to say goodbye isn’t easy, but it brings peace.
So if your path starts to look like an uphill struggle for too long, is it time to find a new trail?
Sometimes it’s better to bushwhack into the unknown, to travel less travelled roads, to surrender and to take the chance to let go, than to stay the course on the rough and bumpy uphill struggle where you can keep on tripping and possibly even risk falling, getting nowhere but backwards.
Always Love,